1. Create (or configure) an Avido account.
  2. Obtain your API Key and App ID.
  3. Send your first event using the Ingestion endpoint.
  4. Optionally, create a new thread for conversation-based tracking.
  5. Set up a webhook for signature-based validation.

Step 1: Create or Access Your Avido Account

Step 2: Obtain Your Bearer API Key

Step 3: Send Your First Ingestion Event

Step 4: Create a Thread

Step 5: Validate a Webhook

Next Steps

That’s it!

You’ve successfully:

  1. Set up your account and keys,
  2. Sent your first event,
  3. Created a thread for conversational flows,
  4. (Optionally) validated a webhook signature.

Now, check out our full reference or continue exploring the docs for more advanced scenarios.